What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is stored in your browser when you access any website. These cookies allow a website, among other things, to store technical information, personal preferences, personalization of content, usage statistics, links to social networks, access you user accounts, etc. The objective is to adapt the content of the website to your profile and needs.
Without cookies, the services offered by any page would be significantly reduce.

Cookies utilizadas en este sitio web

Following the guidelines of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection web proceed to detail the use of cookies made by this website in order to inform you as accurately as possible.
This website uses the following personalized cookies:
Own Cookies: Are those that are sent you the user’s device managed exclusively by us for the best functioning of the site.

  • Own WordPress Cookies .
  • Jetpack (Website traffic measurement tool): Stores cookies to be able to make statistics about traffic and the volume of this website. Stores an anonymous identification generated randomly. This is only used within the administration area and is used for general analysis tracking.

Third party cookies: Are those generated by external services or providers such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • Google Analytics (Google tool for measuring website traffic): Stores cookies to be able to compile statistics on traffic and volume of visits to this website. The information collected by the cookie (including the IP) is stored and transmitted to Google servers in the United States. Google will use this data to collect your activity on our site and generate reports with the purpose of identifying your use of it. Google may provide such information to third parties when required by current legislation.
  • Social Media: Each social network uses its own cookies so that you can click on buttons such as Like or Share.

Disabling or eliminating cookies

At any time, y you can exercise your right to disable or eliminate cookies from this website. These actions are performed differently depending on the browser you are using.
Here you can see a guide for the most popular browsers:

Warning about deleting cookies.

You can delete and block all cookies from this site, but part of the site may not work, or the quality of the website may be affected.

More information about cookies

A cookie is a harmless txt file that is stored in your browser when you visit almost any website. The usefulness of the cookie is that the website is able to remember your visit when you return to navigate that page. Cookies hhave been used for 20 years, when the firs browsers for World Wide appeared.
It’s not a virus, nor a Trojan, nor a worm, nor spam, nor spyware, nor opens pop-up windows.
Cookies don’t store sensitive information about you such as credit cards, bank details, photos, IDs or other personal data.
The web server doesn’t associate you as a person, but your web browser. In fact, if you regularly navigate using Internet Explorer and try to navigate through the same website with another browser such as Firefox or Chrome, you will see that the web doesn’t realise that you are the same person because it is really associating the browser, not the person.

What happens if I disable cookies?

Some cases in which disabling cookie may have an impact:

  • The site will not be able to adapt the contents to your personal preferences, as it usually happens in online stores.
  • The website will not be able to perform web analytics on visitors and traffic on the web, which will make it difficult for the website to be competitive.
  • All social media use cookies, if you deactivate them, you will not be able to use any social media.

Can cookies be deleted?

Yes, not only delete, also block, in a general or particular way for a website. To delete cookies from a website you must go to your browser settings and there you can search for the ones that are associated to the specific domain and proceed to their elimination.